If you are after a deep treatment then this is the one for you, because it is deep, sometimes it can be painful. The idea behind cupping is that the cups are placed on the area of the body to be works, and I apply a vacuum to pull the skin up into the cup, this encourages blood flow to the area, which removes stagnation and boost blood flow to help alleviate tension. Depending on the level of stagnation it can leave circular whelps on the body which may take a few days to clear. These are not bruises.
Gua Sha is using a tool made from water buffalo horn, when done correctly this will leave dark red marks on the skin which will stay there for about a week. This uses the same principle as cupping in that it brings stagnation from the muscles up to the surface. The Gua Sha breaks the capillary beds, so the body flushes the area with clean oxygen rich blood, this helps the body to heal.
Both treatments are very deep and can be painful at times but they are definitely effective and really work. This is a treatment favoured all over the world by millions of people, including Olympic athletes.